Aritst Talk

Eva Tind
The theme of Gangwon Triennale 2021 is 'Warm Revitalization'. If there is any part of your participated artwork that fits these themes, please explain in detail focusing on your artwork.
Revitalisation is a way to bring new energy into something stagnated, which already exists as a possibility or a potential. Warm is to put your heart into it. In my video, I try to capture the essence of this by letting the meal symbolise nourishment and care between a mother and a daughter for whom a tender relationship is too late to establish, since the time of separation is i void between them, and they do not even have any languages in common. Sharing a meal becomes the place for warm revitalisation.
We have entered the post-pandemic era. What role do you think art should play for people in these times? Please describe what you felt in your specific experience.
Not letting fear move in and controle everything, showing that life is more important than death, and in sharing life there is always a risk of dying. Art can open for other ways of understanding death and appreciating life in a much greater scale, living through our hearts instead of our minds.