Aritst Talk

Quynh Dong
Today, when non-face-to-face has become common due to COVID-19, the reality is that exhibition activities are greatly reduced. What kind of artistic activities have you been engaged in under these circumstances?
Physical exhibitions are like plants in time of pandemi for me. To watch them grow to experience the present of life. As for me, I need the experience of space and artworks. That experience is connected to some medium itself. For example a sculpture or installation or painting you can never experience on the screen. The pandemi added more layers to my art practice and open up an exchange with other art workers based on a level of interest and not geographically availability or presence.
We have entered the post-pandemic era. What role do you think art should play for people in these times? Please describe what you felt in your specific experience.
Art is necessary and especially in times of change, to reflect on history. There are many open questions. How limitation affects our behavior. The question of presence and absence. How we can get closer to each other, to talk in a common language to share experience. Is a transparency of actions needed?